Affirmation: I Think My World is a Peaceful and Loving Place

affirmations May 15, 2021

My life is filled with love and peace.


I feel love the most when I love others. I am free of the need for perfection in others. I embrace human weaknesses. Love has a quality of loyalty that exists through good and bad times.

Just as flowers need the sun to survive, I require love to survive. My life is overflowing with love. I have every abundance I could ever need. I keep true love in my heart.


I spread love everywhere I go. Everyone that comes into contact with me leaves happier. I choose love because hate is too burdensome to bear.


Love is the thing that makes life worthwhile. A life without love lacks soul and meaning. I give the emotion of love the attention it deserves in my life. I ask myself how I can be more loving to those around me.


Kindness can be viewed as loving someone more than necessary. I value kindness in my life and seek out compassion from others. Kind words result in confidence. Kind thoughts create love.


My life is peaceful and loving because I surround myself with friendly and caring people. I reject those that bring discord and unkindness into my life.


Today, I appreciate all the peace and love that exist in my life. I am kind and loving toward others. My world is a peaceful and loving place.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Whom do I most appreciate in my life?
  2. What was the best loving thing someone did for me in the last year?
  3. Who are the least caring and supportive people in my life?


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