Affirmation: I Balance My Happiness With the Desires of Loved Ones

affirmations Jun 12, 2021

Positive, healthy relationships strengthen my happiness. I value relationships with loved ones and friends. I give their happiness as much priority as I share my own.


I do what I can to make the lives of my loved ones better.


I know I may not be able to help in every situation. But I give my best effort to support and uplift them however I can. I know that my input is greatly appreciated.


My happiness is multiplied when I can contribute to someone else's happiness. I feel accomplished. I believe in fulfilling my God-given purpose on earth.


I am sure to pay attention to my own needs as well. At times, I have to choose one or the other, but I am aware that I can only be as good to others as I am to myself.


When I have loved ones around me, my days feel much brighter. The sense of family and community makes life worth living. I enjoy the genuine care and love we have for each other.


Today, I commit to unselfishly loving others. I believe that my actions always result in reciprocation. I see that I have support from family and friends, as much as they have mine.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I always in the frame of mind to offer help to others?
  2. Are there other ways I can show my support to my loved ones?
  3. Do I encounter situations where my loved ones misunderstand my desire to fulfill my happiness and theirs?


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