Affirmation: I Smile Becuase My Heart Remains Young

affirmations Feb 13, 2021

Age has little to do with the enthusiasm of my heart. I keep my heart lively by focusing on the significant issues in life. My heart remains young.


I take time to enjoy fun activities because doing so keeps my heart laughing. Appreciating the humor in life prevents me from being bogged down by its stresses. I can see what is important in my existence.


I choose friends based on their similarities of the heart. I avoid using age to determine someone's compatibility with me. Individuals who relish life hold a forever place in mine.


The timeless state of nature helps me to value every day on Earth. It helps me realize that being present at each moment maintains my heart. I focus on how nature restores itself and brings forth youth in an endless cycle. When something gets me down, I quickly get rid of it and concentrate on innovation.


Negativity has little place in my life. I maintain a healthy mind and soul by practicing positive living. I lean into God for strength. This attitude guarantees continuous joy.


My soul stays as young as I allow it to be. I am dedicated to actions and behaviors that will enable me to concentrate on positive living. I know that having a positive mindset keeps me happy and saves my soul from turmoil and degeneration.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Which activities do I enjoy that help maintain my youthfulness?
  2. How does a youthful heart help me to adjust to social changes in the world?
  3. How can meditating on God's word help me to focus on the lighter side of life?


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