Affirmation: I Feel Like Music Awakens My Soul

affirmations Jul 03, 2021

The power of music is undeniable. Music stirs my soul and unites me to my emotional center. I relish the journey that melodies allow me to take.


At the end of every day, I turn on the soothing sounds of Christian music to help me wind down and feel at peace. I focus on love and other wonderful feelings. Christian music connects me to a place of well-being.


I also rely on sounds from nature to provide that same soothing effect. The sounds made by windblown trees and chirping birds are the real music of my soul.


When I get the desire to feel alive, I listen to upbeat music. The rhythmic beats and catchy lyrics motivate me. My heart beats with the tunes. This worship music helps me prepare for a busy workday ahead.


Music that calls for worship is important to me. It reminds me always to consider what is important in the world.


When artists feel the need to sing about life and faith, I feel inspired by their words. It awakens a desire in me to do my part. Part of my commitment to making the world a positive place comes from musical influences.


I appreciate the impact music has on me. My life is happier when I have the sounds of music to carry me through. I feel growth because I choose to listen to praise lyrics and melodies that positively impact me.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I use music to help me through stressful situations?
  2. What other benefits do I receive from the music I listen to and enjoy?
  3. In what ways does music have the ability to impact people's lives negatively?

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