Affirmation: I Maintain a Pure Heart and that Brings Me Peace and Happiness

affirmations Aug 07, 2021

My heart holds on to only positive thoughts, feelings, and desires.


I maintain a pure heart because I know it is the desire of my Creator for me to do so. I also keep a pure heart because it makes me happy when I let go of negativity.


I concede that it is sometimes difficult to let go, forgive and cleanse my heart of negative sentiments. But, even though I may momentarily want to show others that their actions are wrong, I act in ways that produce positive results.


I let go of any negative actions inflicted on me. I show others that I am without the need to fight negative with negative.


I forgive their trespasses and show them that I can fight negative with love. I truly forgive and wipe my heart clean of any negative thoughts about others.


Today, I strive to maintain a pure heart and forgive others. I acknowledge that I feel more at ease and peace when I let go of negativity. I stand proud, knowing that wrongful or hurtful acts towards me cannot cause me to live negatively towards others.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I apologize when I have wronged someone else?
  2. Can my life be an example of maintaining a clean heart?
  3. Are there times when I do not feel the urge to forgive others? How can I release this negativity?


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