Affirmation: I AM Bettering my Future and Letting Go of the Past

affirmations Apr 11, 2020

I am fully mindful that the past is in the past. Therefore, I hold my chin up and move forward with no looking back.


I have no control over events that have already occurred in my life. However, I have control over my present and future. So, I assert my authority over my future by making sound decisions that allow me to live well today and in the coming days.


I take responsibility for my actions. Generally, the things I do bring positive experiences into my life. But, from time to time, I do make an unsound decision. When this happens, I dare to face the outcome of my actions.


I choose to learn from my difficulties, ensuring that the same mistake is never made twice. This in itself allows me to create a better future!


My possibilities are shining brightly! Rather than dreaming my days away, I make the most of each day by planting small seeds today to reap the rewards in the future.


Life is about making the most of what I have now while still reaching for greater happiness. I allow this understanding to fill me every day.


Today, I take an unbiased look at my future. I also make the most of the skills and gifts I have right now.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I structure my goals into small measurable steps?
  2. How can I let go of the past and completely focus on the here-and-now?
  3. How can I ensure that I enjoy a comfortable future?


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