Affirmation: I Feel the Excitement of the Season

affirmations Dec 18, 2021

As the weather starts to shift, I start to anticipate the holidays. I can feel the excitement in the air. I love sharing this excitement with my friends.


As I go shopping, I notice the decor is changing to fit the holidays. I hear the music of the season and start to hum and smile. The holidays are coming!


Each song I hear on the radio fills my mind with memories of holidays in my past. The smells of holiday cooking remind me of wonderful traditions that I can bring forth into the present.


I am grateful for those heartfelt experiences.


As I gather the decorations that I want to display, I feel the happiness growing within my heart. I get excited to find the perfect gifts for friends and family members. I prepare my home to be one of comfort and joy.


I decide what traditions I want to keep and what ones I choose to leave in the past, like fruitcake. I giggle a bit about that one. I find new recipes that appeal to my friends and family and fit when I have to prepare them.


I decide how to occupy my time and what is important to me. I leave old expectations and obligations that are outdated in the past.


Friends make any celebration better, and so we like to include them in our holiday plans. 


It is important to me that I enjoy the holiday season. I evaluate what is going to help lift the energy around the holiday and what is not necessary. I let go of unnecessary busyness that creates frustration.


Today, in planning my holiday season, I tap into what brings me joy. I live in the energy of excitement. Christmas is not just a day. It is a frame of mind.


Faith, family, and friends are a true blessing at Christmas!


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is important for me to experience this holiday season?
  2. What traditions do I value enough to bring forward this season?
  3. What habits do I want to leave in the past?


At Christmas, we catch up with friends that moved or that we left behind if we moved. That is why the custom of sending Christmas cards was established. I love to receive cards full of news from friends and find out what God is undertaking in their lives. 


Friends are significant to all of us and are a large part of holiday celebrations. Jesus is the magic of Christmas. And, He is the One who gave us the ability to have friendships that non-Christians cannot even imagine.


With Jesus, our friendship is never-ending. He never lets us down. When you want Christmas to bring magic to your friendships, you need Jesus as your friend. Then, you can be the friend He desires you to be for others. The magic is that Jesus changes you so that you develop into a true friend to the world.


I wish you a holiday that is merry and bright with the light of God's love. May the true spirit of Christmas gleam within your heart and light your path.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you and continue to build His Kingdom. 


God Bless you all, Ladies. Have a Merry Christmas!


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