Affirmation: I Treasure the Joy and Pleasure of Simple Things

affirmations Mar 20, 2021

The most beautiful and enjoyable things can be the simplest. While many others pursue enjoyment and pleasure in luxuries, I can find enjoyment in everyday things.


Something as simple as a tree, flower, laughing child, or song can be immensely enjoyable on many levels. Fortunately, these beautiful things are all around me. I only need to open my eyes and pay attention.


Even in troubling times, there are simple experiences to be enjoyed.


I live a peaceful, easy life. This allows me to see and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It is more than just a choice. It is a lifestyle.



 I am constantly simplifying my life.

Many people spend precious time and energy chasing after extravagances. I know better. I choose to take advantage of the simple enjoyments to be found in life.


I reject those things that are unnecessarily complex. My ability to perceive is the only limit to my joy and pleasure. Yet, it is a generous limit as I am a highly perceptive person.


Today, I seek new and simple ways to add joy to my life. I am looking for the simple and pleasurable experiences that life has to offer. I treasure joy and pleasure in simple things.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the simple things in my life that bring me the most enjoyment?
  2. What other easy hobbies or experiences could I enjoy if I chose to?
  3. Is my life more complex than it needs to be? How can I simplify it?


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