Affirmation: I Listen Because Words of the Wise Empower Me to Stay Grounded

affirmations Apr 18, 2020

I value wise counseling.


Wise words in times of confusion empower me to stay grounded like an anchor for a ship. Instead of being swayed by every wave that comes my way, I ask for the advice of knowledgeable people who truly care for me.


Seeking wisdom keeps me from drifting in the vast sea of opportunities. I pay attention to my trusted advisers and respect their advice. I take advantage of their ideas as a springboard for forming my conclusions.


Listening to words of the wise protects me from needless hazards. Life is too short to be taught every lesson from personal experiences. I save myself time and anguish if I learn from varied past experiences of others.


Counseling helps me deal with life changes free from fear. I request counseling for a range of circumstances. Whether personal or career-related, it does me good to take heed of the ideas of others.


When I am deeply engaged in a situation, and my emotions are high, it can be tricky to think objectively. This is why I ask for wise counsel from those around me whom I trust.


Listening to other's points of view helps me evaluate options I may have overlooked. I get clarity of mind when I recognize the opinions of people.


Women have a right and a responsibility to seek out guidance from wise individuals. In the end, though, I must choose the path I will take for myself.


Currently, I decided to seek out wise counsel. I am thankful for those who love me enough to tell me things I need to hear, even if I would rather not listen to them.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When was the last time I requested advice?
  2. Who do I turn to for wise counsel?
  3. Why is it essential to evaluate various points of view before making a final decision?

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