Affirmation: I Allow the Simple Things In Life to Give Me Joy

affirmations Jan 16, 2021

Life can be both simple and fulfilling. The desire to make life more complex than needed is a source of discontent. The greatest things in life are simple and meaningful at the same time. Joy and pleasure are present in my life today.


Contentment with simple things is a sign that my ego is under control. I limit my desires to things that matter to me most.


Making simple things more complicated is a habit I avoid. I use my creativity to make the complex easier. When I do, I free my mind from concern, stress, and worry. Joy and pleasure are the results. I see the link between joy and simplicity all around.


I appreciate being alive. I enjoy being free.


Children have a wonderful and simple view of the world. I strive to adopt that same simple perspective.


An act as simple as smiling can transform someone's day. I look for simple actions that make a difference in my and others' lives. There is power in the simplest moments.


I seek simplicity. I recognize that the simplest events in life can be the most enjoyable. I steer clear of complexity unless it is necessary. Simple things are plenty. Those simple things in life bring me joy and pleasure.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the things in life that mean the most to me?
  2. What can make my life simpler and more pleasurable?
  3. When have I made myself unhappy by putting too much emphasis on complicated things?


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