Affirmation: I Am Successful Because Love Guides Me

affirmations Aug 14, 2021

Love is like a bright and shining light. It guides me through the darkness.


Love keeps me going when I feel like giving up. I hang onto my hopes and inspiration. I remember my purpose.


My relationships are based on trust. I focus on the good qualities of others. I notice their strengths and talents. I dare to be vulnerable and share my feelings. I am truthful and transparent.


I express my gratitude. I tell my spouse and children how much they mean to me. I let a stranger know when their kindness brightness my day. I send my coworkers a thank you note for helping me to excel at my job.


I practice forgiveness. I have compassion for others even if I oppose their actions. I am willing to give them a second chance.


I give without expectations. I am content with the joy I feel when I share my blessings.


I spend time with family and friends. I pay attention to what they have to say. I care about their needs and help them whenever they need them.


I take care of my well-being. Loving myself provides me the ability to love others. I eat a balanced diet and exercise each day. I make time for rest. I manage stress and set healthy boundaries.


Today, I honor the love that lives inside my heart. I want to create a happier and more peaceful world for myself and others. I make choices that demonstrate my affection.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Why is love a stronger motivation than fear?
  2. How do I feel when I am guided by love?
  3. What is the relationship between giving and receiving love?

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