I do not use external factors to make myself happy. I know that true happiness comes from being true to myself.
Being true to myself means living according to my beliefs. What I believe is grounded in my morals, and I use my conscience as a guide. I believe in following my gut.
My principles help me work through both the positive and negative experiences in my life. I occasionally make tough decisions that are necessary for my happiness. Some decisions that may cause unhappiness today lead to happiness later. I have confidence in my instincts about what to do, regardless of the effect today.
When my conscience is clear, I feel comfort. I leave my nervous predispositions in the past. I do not rely on opinions from others to make my decisions. Seeking advice is helpful, but I just do it to gain perspective.
Every so often, I catch myself being inflexible in my thinking. I recall my duty to make mature decisions. Even if others are not happy with my choices, I refuse to change my mind.
My decisions are based on my natural inclination towards happiness.
I continue to seek happiness in every aspect of my life. I understand that it is a work in progress. Circumstances change and cause me to make tough decisions. But I am justified when I remain true to myself and my morals.
Self-Reflection Questions:
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