Affirmation: I Make a Merry and Bright Holiday

affirmations Dec 11, 2021

Today many people substitute the word holiday for Christmas. However, even holiday is a religious rooted word, though not as distinct to Christianity. It is a compound word composed of 'holy' and 'day'. As it should be, a holiday is a day set apart for religious remembrances. So saying happy holidays to someone is an expression of a wish that they enjoy the religious commemoration. 


If I want to relish the holidays, I must make it a positive season. I refuse to let old beliefs of stress and obligation cloud my views.


The holiday season is a distinct time for being with family and friends, giving meaningful gifts, and sharing love for each other. I embrace the holiday with arms open wide.


I listen to my favorite Christmas music to set the mood. I hum and sing my favorite songs. I watch my favorite holiday movies. I have fun baking for my friends and neighbors and smelling the scents of the season.


Instead of complaining about the lines at stores, I shop online. I start early with my tailored gift selections. After getting all my shopping out of the way, I can truly enjoy the holidays' festivities.


I take time to go to concerts, light shows and watch children's performances at church. I see the hustle and bustle as another part of the excitement. I laugh at funny holiday plays. I go to holiday parties. I love to play secret Santa.


Everything I do this year, I do from a positive mindset. I make sure that my motivations are pure and from the heart.


I care for my needs as well. I even enjoy holiday treats with no regrets.


I frame the Holiday Season with a positive point of view.


I chuckle at myself now for making it so tough in the past. If only I knew then how simple it is to transform the full holiday experience! Fortunately, I did learn to remember the reason for the season. Now every year, I create a merry and bright holiday season.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I reframe old Holiday behavior into a merry and bright Christmas?
  2. How can I simplify or streamline the hustle and bustle?
  3. Who will I help to be merrier during this season? How will I help them?



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays - both phrases are profoundly religious in nature and speak of the true reason for the celebrations.


“Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing.”
—Isaac Watts


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