Affirmation: I Release Feelings of Trying to Control Everything

affirmations Sep 12, 2020

I can go with the flow.


I accept that the only one I have control of is me! I cannot control actions, opinions, or thoughts of anyone else. But, I manage my reactions to all that life throws at me.


I release my desire to control situations. I refuse to let frustration cloud my mind. I concentrate on what I can do in any condition.


Although I cannot control everything, I am powerful. I possess tools that help me point my life in the direction of accomplishing goals in spite of life's distractions.


Time management skills help me maintain focus and organization. I set aside time in my schedule for dealing with distractions without losing focus on my priorities.


Affirmations are tools that help guide my life to where I want to go. No matter what life throws at me, I replace negative thoughts with positive ones.


Even during chaotic times, I can use breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and meditating on God's word to bring back harmony and peace to my soul.


I use an optimistic outlook in life to discover the silver lining in everything.


With those tools at my disposal, I know I can go with the flow, whatever that flow might bring! I do not need control over anyone but myself to appreciate life with all the blessings and challenges.


Today, I focus on controlling myself and discover how joyful life can be without any desire to control others.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I feel I need to control others for my day to go smoothly?
  2. How can I control my life by controlling myself?
  3. What stops me from just going with the flow?


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