Affirmation: I Reconnect with Nature and Invigorate My Spirit

affirmations Apr 17, 2021

Nature energizes my spirit and my life. I enjoy my connection to nature. The outdoors helps me regain my focus.


I can disconnect from my busy lifestyle so that I can reconnect with nature. 


Modern society challenges my relationship with nature. I put aside my technology to focus on the incredible, natural splendor all around me. I take time to walk outdoors to be grateful for the majesty of the animals and plants.


I pay attention to the rhythm of nature during my outings. I listen to the sounds that envelop me. I observe the connections between plants and animals. All of these beautiful elements raise my spirit.


My spirit feels vibrant while I delve into nature.


I easily re-establish my relationship with nature, even when I have been away from it for a time. I try not to stay away too long because nature is essential to my soul. It makes me healthy, serene, and strong.


Nature unlocks a channel in my heart that embraces love. It helps me restore my spirit from the daily wounds that mount up.   


My bond with nature is alive and full of energy. Nature motivates me. It stirs my deepest emotions and thoughts.


Today, my body and mind are thankful for my relationship with nature. When I am in nature, I reflect, find answers to my challenges, and receive tranquility into my life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Which emotions do I feel when I connect with nature?
  2. How can I help my family and friends reconnect with nature?
  3. What can I do to find more time for nature during colder months?


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