Affirmation: I Am Free from Anger and Remorse

affirmations Apr 25, 2020

I live my life free of anger and remorse because I choose to deal with situations as they arise. I avoid the tendency to prevent conditions that cause me pain. I know tackling them upfront will help me get to the origin of problems immediately before they can take root and grow.


If I am offended, I talk over my feelings with the person involved. I am not interested in laying blame, but I attempt to be open and honest, sharing how I feel in the wake of their actions. I speak out of a need for greater understanding and respect.


If I upset someone, I express regret with a sincere heart. I release my pride as well as any wish for revenge.


Rarely is an issue one person's fault entirely. I oppose the idea that the other person must approach me before I can forgive or ask for forgiveness. After all, I cannot change anyone else.


I can only take the blame for my actions. But, I am ready to ask for forgiveness and seek understanding, even when I feel that the other person was at fault.


If the hurt is too great or becomes too deeply entrenched, I am unashamed to ask for help from someone trained in helping people find peace with relationships in their lives.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How will I take the first step in mending a rift with anyone?
  2. Do I deal with anger and hurt early, before it takes root in my life?
  3. How willing am I to ask for help in my relationships when needed?


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