Affirmation: I See that My Present is Great, and the Future Looks Bright

affirmations Apr 24, 2021

I have many things to be thankful for in my life. I count my blessings.


I think that my life is wonderful. I am grateful for all the positive things that are happening in the here and now. My present life only continues to get better. I make an effort each day to list the things for which I am grateful.


My future looks even brighter. I awaken every morning with enthusiasm and anticipation for whatever the new day may bring. The positive steps I have already taken almost guarantee that the most amazing parts of my life are yet to come.


I visualize my future for a few minutes each day. I focus on that image to produce the most compelling future possible. My confidence soars, and I know that my dreams are coming to fruition.


I know in my heart that the forecast for my future is bright and sunny.


My emotions and my life are connected. One feeds the other. I choose to see the good things in my life and be happy about them.


With such a fulfilling present and future, I find it easy to be positive and happy.


I am thankful for my wonderful life. I appreciate everything I have and look forward to whatever positive things the future holds for me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is great about my present?
  2. What goals do I have for the future?
  3. What influence does my present have on my future?


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