Affirmation: I Have Good Things Happen To Me Because I Live With Positive Expectations

affirmations Nov 09, 2019

Positive thinking results in positive experiences. There is a direct connection between my expectations and experiences. I am encouraged to keep my thoughts on good things.


Having positive expectations means knowing that my hard work and effort result in great payoffs.


I maintain a positive view of the people I interact with daily. I let others know that I think highly of them. This approach results in mutual respect and healthy relationships.


Having healthy relationships means experiencing successful collaboration. I let my coworkers know how much faith I have in their abilities. Doing this encourages them to give their best effort, resulting in impressive projects.


Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but I avoid throwing my hands in the air. I remind myself that I am blessed.


I know that expecting blessings results in them coming in wonderful proportions. I spend my time focusing on the things I can change and allow everything else to unfold as intended.


 I encourage family and friends to avoid worrying about life. My mindset is to believe that there is a solution to any challenge that life throws out.


Today, I am living proof that thinking positively results in great things happening in life. I am committed to maintaining an optimistic outlook. I acknowledge that even after unfavorable outcomes, significant blessings are bound to follow.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some positive affirmations I can declare each day?
  2. How do I respond when I experience a challenge after expecting a positive outcome?
  3. In what ways can I share my experiences, so others feel encouraged to think positively?


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