Affirmation: I Experience Tiny Miracles Each Day

affirmations Jul 31, 2021

How I choose to respond to situations determines what I can extract from them. I prefer to find the benefit in each interaction. Taking the positive approach allows me to experience tiny miracles every day.


Each breath I take is a miracle in itself. Being able to feast my eyes on the beauty of nature is an experience that I do not take for granted.


When I awaken each morning, my first activity is to thank God for my opportunities and experiences. I recognize that they are more than what many others have. Acknowledging that reminds me that I have so much to be grateful for each day.


Being able to hug a child is a miracle. Knowing that a woman’s body has been able to produce another life is phenomenal to me. I am in awe of it.


Faith brings me many of the tiny miracles that I experience. The knowledge that my actions result in positive outcomes is a blessing in itself.


Financial concerns very rarely impact my peace of mind. I believe that each situation is catered to when the time is right.


Today, I am amazed by the miracles I see in my life regularly. My blessings immensely humble me. It is my ongoing vow to be conscious of the positive experiences in my life and thankful for each one.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. In what ways am I able to bring miracles to the lives of others?
  2. How do I take stock of the positive experiences that I have each day?
  3. How do I ensure that I remain grateful for my blessings?


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