Affirmation: I Feel Adventures Awaken My Spirit

affirmations Jul 18, 2020

There is something wonderful about new opportunities that stirs excitement in my soul. Adventures awaken my spirit and allow me to have an open mind to newness.


I love being able to explore the world. New places challenge my sense of adventure and teach me how to soak up the unfamiliar humbly. I feel alive when faced with a new language to learn or a new culture to respect.


I travel to have adventures, gain new knowledge, and make new friends.


There is little room for fear when I board a plane to a foreign country. I proceed with a brave heart and a peaceful soul because I believe that my steps are guided.


Sure, I get butterflies in my stomach when I try something for the first time. There is a mix of anxiety and excitement that comes with discoveries. But my sense of adventure wins out over fear every time.


It is easy for me to venture out into the unknown. When I focus on gaining a positive experience, I leave little time for negative thoughts. I make the most of each opportunity that I get.


Today, my spirit is alive because I choose to be open to new and unfamiliar situations. I live in a world that offers variety and wonder. My daily mission is to find something new that sparks excitement in my life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some of the adventures that I enjoy most?
  2. How often do I give myself time away from mundane activities?
  3. How do I select the experiences to take part in, learn from, and enjoy?

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