Affirmation: I Release Negativity and Hold Joy in my Heart

affirmations Sep 11, 2021

My heart and mind are free from negativity. Negativity is a poison that taints my thoughts, moods, expectations, and happiness. Removing negativity from my life is a major goal of mine. Releasing negativity creates room for joy to enter my heart.


I welcome positive emotions. When I am filled with positivity, I expect good things to happen. My motivation soars, and I feel as if anything is possible. I experience positive emotions regularly.


Whenever I catch myself focusing on the negative, I take control of my thoughts and redirect them to more uplifting ideas. I can control my thoughts. I choose positive thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to positive action and results.


I choose to spend my time with other positive people. They are an important part of my environment and help me to avoid negative thinking. I avoid pessimistic people whenever possible.


I remind myself of the amazing things and people in my life. Gratitude is an important concept for me. It reaffirms that good things are happening to me each day.


Today, I am releasing the negativity in my body, heart, and soul. I am creating the space for love and joy to enter my life. I can control my emotions and my outlook on life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How often do I experience negative thinking in my life? How does it impact me?
  2. Who is the most positive person I know? How can I be more like them?
  3. What is the worst that could happen if I chose to always look on the bright side of things?


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