Affirmation: I Understand that Enjoyable Times Make Difficult Times Easier to Manage

affirmations Jul 25, 2020

Laughter is the medicine that heals difficulties, so I incorporate some enjoyment into each day.


I make my job fun by listening to music that makes me feel like dancing. Although I sit in an office chair for most of the day, I rock from side to side. Moving to music keeps me feeling upbeat, and the challenges at work feel less burdensome.


I get creative with my entertainment.


Having game nights at my home invites laughter and joy to my sanctuary. My family and I love playing board games at home on a Friday night. These small experiences together last a lifetime in my memory and keep my spirit alive.


It is enjoyable to dance around when I am home alone. When I play my favorite Christian music, I feel like I am in my little world.


Working out is also fun because it improves my mood tremendously. I choose exercises that are challenging but manageable. It feels good to achieve the fitness targets that I set for myself.


A fit body makes room for me to accomplish a lot of difficult things each day. I drive myself to stay physically fit.


Today, I make it a point to bring fun into my life. I know that I am more capable when I maintain an uplifted spirit. I am committed to using my positive energy to motivate those around me as well.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my idea of a fun time with friends?
  2. How else do I develop the strength to handle difficult times?
  3. What life skills do I learn after overcoming a challenge?

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