Affirmation: I Experience Happy Feelings Daily

affirmations May 08, 2021

I am pleased that every day of my life, I experience happiness. I focus on finding joy at some point during the day. My reality is wonderful because I encounter so many things that bring about happiness.


Each morning, I awaken with feelings of refreshment and wonder. I think about what my day might bring. Perhaps I can see an old friend today. Maybe this is the day that the love of my life surprises me with something special. As the sun rises, my joy is just beginning.


Even though some things that make me happy are momentary, I know I have lots of incentives to be happy. I work to keep those reasons fresh in my mind each day.


My husband's affection, the pleasure of watching my nieces and nephews grow, the fascination with my work, and the unknown factors to come into my life all make me feel happy.


My delight of the day keeps my spirits high. I smile to myself because I feel appreciation for my life and this day. The joy I feel this second reminds me of all the love I have in my life.


I appreciate the many details that empower me to experience daily happiness. Every day brings another opportunity to feel joy and remind myself of the love and happiness in my life. And I am thankful.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are my sources of happiness?
  2. When do I allow myself to feel daily happiness? 
  3. How can I increase awareness of what makes me happy, thus increasing my feelings of happiness?

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