Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Being happy with where I am leads me to my goals

affirmations Feb 05, 2022

It is important to me to keep a connection with my present situations. If I focus on acceptance, I have less time to worry about things beyond my control.


I take advantage of my creativity to make good use of what is in front of me. It makes me smile when I can make positive prospects for myself in the present.


Being happy lets me have a clear mind. Clarity opens up possibilities and perfects my vision. The future seems more certain when I avoid clouding it with discontent.


While my current job may offer little inspiration, I stay thankful for the opportunity. As I put things for an exciting career, I also concentrate on giving my all to everything I do today. I accomplish my business tasks with a smile.


I set modest goals and celebrate when I reach them. They remind me that, even though the bigger prize is further away, I still have something to be grateful for every day.


I concentrate on people and situations that give me a sense of joy. I think I am a product of what I surround myself with daily. Today, my life is plentiful when I choose to live it with happiness and a sense of serenity.


Today, I pledge to set goals that strengthen my desire to be happy. My serenity matters more to me than towering achievements. I am intent on smiling at each step I take.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How can I integrate happy thoughts into challenging situations?
  2. How do I tell which path might lead to peace of mind accomplishing my goals?
  3. How do I define happiness?

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