Affirmation: I Cleanse my Body, Mind, and Spirit, By Letting Go

affirmations Apr 04, 2020

I let go. It is a freeing process to renew me. The old me steps aside when I release my inhibitions and awaken anew. I must let go of many things in my life to open myself to blessings in store for me.


Letting go of all anxiety and stress cleanses my mind. As I let go of my worries, I have peace of mind and tranquility in my soul. I am empowered when I surrender control because my mind is free from tension’s corruptive power.


I let go of all emotional wounds of my past so that I can cleanse my spirit. No matter whatever is behind me, I step forward into a better day. I oppose evil thoughts and replace them with faith and trust. And I know my present and future hold the best days of my life.


To cleanse my body, I scrutinize my diet and make necessary changes. I eliminate fatty and unhealthy foods. I eat fruits, vegetables, and other food rich in nutrients and vitamins. My body is free from alcohol, drugs, and other toxins. My lungs are free from smoke. I enjoy breathing fresh air. 


A cleanse helps me take pleasure in my life to its fullest. I cleanse to fill myself up with things of significance. Adding healthy habits to my life improves my body. Adding clarity and perspective improves my mind. By adding strength and peace of mind, I improve my spirit.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What can I let go of to improve my health?
  2. How will I cleanse my body and mind?
  3. Am I holding on to emotional wounds from my past that I need to release? 


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