Affirmation: I Make the Most Out Life  

affirmations May 01, 2021

I believe my life is a precious gift. Every day brings me a fresh opportunity to accomplish my dreams and appreciate the beauty surrounding me.


Routine physical activities and good quality nutrition keep my body in shape and strong. Keeping myself in top shape provides me the ability to honor God’s temple and my life.


Logic exercises sharpen my reasoning skills.


Spiritual practices add to my insight and resolve to make good choices.


Forming priorities permits me to drive my life to the results I want. I focus my hard work on what I know is meaningful.


Spending moments with family and friends gives me a sense of love and connection. Dedicating my talents to meaningful work helps me to build self-esteem while I contribute to society.


The more I consider my surroundings, the more treasures I discover.


I believe education is a lifelong process. I delight in learning.


I travel to meet others and get a renewed perspective on my life. I spend time appreciating works of art and natural wonders.


I commit to being mindful of the value of my life. I feel grateful for such abundance and resolve to make every minute count.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the top 10 concerns in my life?
  2. How do I spend my time on meaningful activities?
  3. How do I want to be remembered?


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