Affirmation: I Make Time for Things that Bring me Joy

affirmations Mar 27, 2021

Life can be overwhelming. Work is busy. My home life is hectic. And my social calendar is full. So I make conscious decisions to schedule free time to engage in activities that fulfill me.


I understand that I am the only one responsible for ensuring I do things that bring me joy. It may be spending time with my husband, going out with my friends, playing a game with my child, or just having some “me” time.


The more joy I experience, the better prepared I am to make it through the challenging moments in life.


I attempt to end my days by engaging in activities that bring me comfort and solace. I often read a book, paint a picture, or watch an old movie to relax. I might call my parents or a close friend.


I take part in actions that make me smile or laugh. I am excited and happy to spend time doing my favorite things. I know I am blessed.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How much spare time do I have daily, on average?
  2. When was the last time I spent my time doing something that brought me joy?
  3. What are five activities that I can do regularly to ensure I have some happiness in my life each day?

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