Affirmation: I Understand that Communication of My Feelings is Important

affirmations Nov 07, 2020

Because I know that relationships cannot flourish without understanding and communication, I share my honest feelings with the special people in my life.


I know there is a possibility of the other person misinterpreting or even get angry. But I am convinced that we can work through these hitches and use them to develop deeper relationships with communication.


It is a wonderful thing to be happy, content, and peaceful. When I feel that way, I am more than pleased to share my good feelings.


I also acknowledge that life is often far too challenging to be in a perpetually happy state, and I will not pretend for the sake of keeping the waters calm.


I strive for genuineness in my relationships. I would like those I love to know they can come to me if they are hurt or upset. I set a precedent by being accessible to them and sharing my fears, worries, and struggles along the way.


I recognize that some people in life are merely polite when they ask how I am doing. I am cautious with my heart and do not expose my inner self to people unless they genuinely care about me.


When I am comfortable with others, I am willing to risk communicating my feelings because it is the only way to develop authentic, supportive relationships.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I dare to be honest in relationships that truly matter to me?
  2. Do I set a standard for honesty by my words and actions?
  3. Am I dependable when others confide in me?


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