Affirmation: I Have Courage that Launches Me Above My Fears

affirmations Oct 10, 2020

Fear is a healthy, natural emotion necessary for survival. Instead of folding in the face of fear, I utilize it to stir my courage. Fear renders it possible for me to experience a degree of bravery stored inside of me.


Courage is the presence of action amid fear. My courage brings me above my fears and into a place where dreams come true. Because of courage, my heart is bursting with bold hope.


I annul the power of fear in my life, which tries to dictate my actions. With faith illuminating the way, I take risks beyond everything I have accomplished before. I shake off timidity from lack of confidence and change it to courage. 


I dare to dream outside of the limits set on me from my childhood. I do not believe negative words voiced about me as a child. I think my Creator has greater purposes for my life.


I seek to know my purpose with a heart prepared to do whatever it takes to see my destiny fulfilled. By clothing myself in uplifting peace, I stand up to the fears that restrained me in the past. If I feel afraid, I pray, placing my trust in our higher power.


I come to terms with rejection and disappointment because they result from accepting a risk at times. I recognize that rejection and failure could be my best teachers. By looking at every result positively, I learn and become more knowledgeable.


Now, I choose to stand up to fear and allow courage to lead my movements. I launch myself into action, moving far beyond the level of anxiety.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What did I learn from past failures?
  2. What do I need courage for today?
  3. Why should I act amid fear?


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