Affirmation: I Am Fortunate To Have My Extraordinary Life

affirmations Jul 10, 2021

As I look around me and consider everything I have in my life, I feel truly thankful.


I am blessed because I do work that I love, have people nearby who love me, and my home is comfortable and welcoming when I step through my front door.


My life has ups and downs, just like anyone else’s. Sometimes, my life’s pace is hectic and chaotic. Other times, it is easygoing and serene. Whichever the case, I receive all with open arms.


When I look around, it is clear that the lives of others are different from mine in many ways. I might occasionally think that I would like to have another person’s existence rather than my own. However, that thought is fleeting because I recognize the blessings unique to my life.


My gratitude for all that I own and my experience is deep and wide. Feeling thankful is such an awesome and comfort-filled emotion. I am glad to be alive.


I take note of all that I am thankful for in my life. I realize the abundance I have all around me, and I am grateful. Knowing why I feel so fortunate compels me to live a blessed and enriched life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I feel fortunate to live the life I live? What am I thankful for in my life?
  2. If I wanted to make some changes to my existence to feel more grateful, what would I alter?
  3. How can I consistently take notice of the good fortune that has come to me?


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