Affirmation: I See that Peace of Mind Makes Me Truly Happy

affirmations Sep 25, 2021

The best feeling to me is a calm heart and mind. I achieve so much when I let my peace of mind take over.


I avoid letting guilt prevent me from moving forward. I take it easy on myself when I make a poor decision. My disappointment quickly turns into perseverance because I know I can do better the next time.


My goal is to experience happiness each day.


When I have a clear mind, I am free to be creative. I come up with amazing ideas and feel confident about them. My creations leave me feeling truly satisfied.


I know that when I am realistic, it is easier to accept the outcome of a situation. I attempt to approach problems with an open mind and an open heart.


I endeavor to handle everything with a relaxed mindset. When I do, it is easier for me to unwind. At the end of each day, I go to bed feeling calm and at ease. My rest is sound, deep, and peaceful.


I inspire my family and friends to take it easy on themselves. I remind them that it is important to be peaceful and make the most out of life.


Today, I remind myself that the simple things in life are important. I know I can achieve contentment by giving my mind the rest it requires and deserves. Tranquility leads to happiness in my life.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. In what ways is my peace of mind linked to my overall happiness?
  2. How am I able to come to a conflict-free resolution when I have issues with others?
  3. What role does my peace of mind play in helping me accept the flaws of those around me?


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