Affirmation: I Laugh Because Encouraging Others Makes Me Happy

affirmations May 16, 2020

I discover many opportunities to impact the lives of others daily. I live in a world filled with others trying just as hard as I am to live their best life. Therefore, I seek to do my part when it comes to encouraging them.


I introduce myself when I encounter someone new. I look for ways I can reach out. Touching someone’s life is very important to me because it enhances my connections with them.


It is fulfilling to know that I affect others in ways that make their lives easier.


One method of impacting others is by offering encouragement. I believe that everyone needs as much encouragement as possible. To encourage is to give hope to someone or inspire them with confidence. Encouragement makes us continue working towards whatever we wish to accomplish.


I encourage others to achieve their goals whenever possible.


I feel thankful that something I can easily do means so much to those who I encounter. I am happy that I have the power to give courage and hope to another human being.


Even when I am struggling to deal with a personal situation, I know I can bring on positive feelings by reaching out with encouragement.


Today, I focus on encouraging others. I feel great joy when I encourage others to live in positive and fulfilling ways as they strive for their goals. My life is enriched because I give confidence to others.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When was the last time I encouraged someone?
  2. What types of things do I say to others to encourage them?
  3. What are some additional ways that I can inspire others to have confidence and feel hopeful?


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