Affirmation: I am Happy that my Life is Simple and Complete

affirmations Feb 06, 2021

I find pleasure in simple things and simple life. Having a simple life has many advantages. Simplicity ensures that I can thoroughly enjoy my life.


I acquire and keep only the things that mean the most to me. Having too many possessions and commitments requires too much of my time, money, and energy. Yet, the value that they add to my life is little.


I focus on the most important people, things, and activities in my life. This lifestyle is most enjoyable to me.


It is easier to have a complete life when life is simple. Complex life has missing elements. The complexity always ensures that something is missing.


A simple life has the necessary room to make additions. Valuing a simple life means it is also easy to subtract things. Subtraction is more than easy because it is enjoyable. I am excited when I find a way to make my life even more simple.


A simple life has financial advantages, too. I only spend my money on those things that are necessities or add the most meaning to my life. I am blessed with financial abundance because of my love of simplicity.


Today, I find additional ways to simplify my life while still feeling that my life is complete. I reject anything that complicates my life unless it adds great value or enjoyment.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are three things in my life that require my time and attention but add little value to me?
  2. Would my life change if I had an extra hour each day to spend as I wish?
  3. What can I do to adopt a simpler but meaningful way of living?


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