Affirmation: I am Happy that Special Seasons Take Me Closer to Loved Ones

affirmations Dec 14, 2019

Special seasons during the year provide me with a feeling of gratitude. At those moments, I take time to reflect on my blessings. Most of my blessings are a result of the support I get from loved ones.


My connection with my family and friends deepens during special times each year. When I am prompted to reflect on the good times in my life, I immediately reach out to them. Family gatherings, gift-giving, singing Christmas carols, and special meals are also inseparable parts of Christmas. 


I use each opportunity I get to tell my family how important they are. It is easy for me to pinpoint their influence in my life.


When I am at odds with a friend, special seasons allow us to rekindle our relationship. I use those times to consider the role we play in each other's lives. I acknowledge that a season of caring and love is the best time to offer and receive forgiveness.


Houses aglow, parties with friends, and memories made with family—Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of year. Today, I look forward to special seasons. They provide an opportunity to build fond memories. Spending time with my friends and family reminds me of what matters in life. I am committed to sharing goodness and positivity during these special times.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How creative can I get in defining more special seasons throughout the year?
  2. How can I ensure that I keep in touch with loved ones year-round?
  3. What can I do during special seasons to extend kindness to the less fortunate?




That most wonderful time of the year is near. I always delight in the arrival of Christmas. Sounds of hymns, carols, and hearty laughter fill up the air, and so does the smell of

delicious food. The spirit of Christmas is cheerful and magical. When you start to feel it, it will enchant you with hope and wonder that lasts well beyond the holiday season.


The Christmas season is the time of year for reminiscence. We take stock of wherever we came from, think about where we are now, and look to the future with hope.


The gift of love.
The gift of peace.
The gift of happiness.
May all these be yours at Christmas.



"Three wise WOMEN would have requested directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, bought useful gifts, scrubbed the stable, baked a casserole, and there would be peace on earth!" – I do not know the author, I thought it was fun to share though!



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