Affirmation: I Understand that Everything Happens For My Good

affirmations Oct 02, 2021

I have faith that life provides me with the experiences I need to grow as a person. I accept this truth and make the best of the situation. I understand that God knows the best way, and has a plan for my life.


Some experiences in life are less enjoyable than others. But all experiences teach me something new. Some of the least pleasant things that happen in my life provide the most profound lessons. I value these lessons and apply them going forward. This way, I can avoid repeating my mistakes.


The Holy Father is wiser than I am. I trust that everything happens for my good. I have learned so much from my past challenges that I look forward to managing my future challenges. I am empowered.


I often receive what I want, just in a different manner than I expected. Many of my failures result in greater successes than I ever dreamt of before. I feel a gentle hand guiding me in a positive direction.


I avoid feelings of frustration when things fail to work out the way I desire. I know that something even better is right around the corner. I am patient and accept what life has to offer.


Today, I recognize the lessons that life provides me. I look on the bright side of all situations. I know that everything that happens to me happens for my good. I am blessed.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are my greatest challenges, and what can I learn from them?
  2. What are three situations that seemed negative, but worked out for the best?
  3. Have I grown as a person over the last decade?

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