Affirmation: I Can See that What I Do Makes a Difference

affirmations Jan 09, 2021

Even the little things matter. Everything I do makes a difference.


My actions set an example for others. My children are less likely to swear if I am careful about what I say in stressful situations. When I allow someone to go ahead of me in the grocery line, they may pass on a similar favor to someone else.


Each time I take a step forward, it brings me closer to my goals.


My choices are important. Choosing grits for breakfast instead of a donut puts me on track for eating healthy all day. Saving money each week provides me with the funds for unexpected home or car repairs.


We all face setbacks in life. My presence and support can cheer someone up when they need it most. I can reduce their burden by listening to their concerns or helping them find a solution.


Major achievements require teamwork. Even when I play a minor role, my efforts are significant. When I proofread a report or help out with simple tasks, I add to a useful presentation. It is easier to pick up liter at a park when the whole neighborhood pitches in together.


Recognizing my impact frees me from apathy and discouragement. I am motivated to put forth my best efforts.


Today, I feel joyful and confident. I know that everything I do contributes to making the world a better place.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What kind of example do I want to set for my children?
  2. How do I help build a team mentality in my workplace?
  3. What is one nice thing I can do for a friend who is going through a tough time?


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