Affirmation: I Let Enthusiasm Permeate Whatever I Do

affirmations Jun 05, 2021

Each day, I take part in situations, events, and tasks. Some of these occurrences involve only me. But whatever I am doing, I make every effort to do it with zeal, enthusiasm, and spirit.


I feel that whatever it is I am doing is worth my time. Therefore, I do it with enthusiasm.


Because I am enthusiastic about most tasks, I am rarely bored. Life is filled with fascinating people, places, and things. I want to experience all the best of what life has to offer. I embrace every situation with zest.


I make a conscious decision to jump in with both feet and develop a keen interest in whatever I do.


I find the day goes by faster when I stay enthused and consciously connected to what is going on around me. My enthusiasm flows, whether I am washing the car, talking to a neighbor, or working on a favored project at the office.


I live life in living color because of my enthusiasm. I put my all into each job, and because I do, my life is better.


My enthusiasm paves the way for many good things to happen to me.


Today, I know I can bring enthusiasm to whatever I am doing. I plan to take notice of each time I am enthusiastic this week. I want to learn from those episodes how to bring a vital interest and spirit to my world more often.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I consider myself enthusiastic? How important is it to me to show enthusiasm?
  2. Which person around me is lively and full of zeal? Would I like to emulate that enthusiasm?
  3. How do I react when someone near me is excited about what they are doing?


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