Affirmation: I Am Positive Because Hope Is My Daily Hymn

affirmations Nov 30, 2019

Every day I wake up with rekindled strength and decide to make the day a great one. I arm myself with positivity and a winning mindset. When I step into the world, I start to hear the beautiful hymn of hope that follows me everywhere I go.


Even when others choose to play a soundtrack of hopelessness, I dance to my hymn of hope. My ears are prepared to listen only to the sound of hope and to disregard any other noise. I abstain from listening to negative news reports that will only try to deprive me of my capacity to hear the sound of hope.


With so much negativity around me, I have to actively seek the good in the world to stay filled with hope. When I concentrate on the good characteristics of others, I can come up with hope.


My life is a song filled with hope. Although there is no guarantee in life, I am confident that my life choices move me on the right path. I know that I will be successful.


I sing my hymn of hope to the world so others can be lifted in their times of sadness. With every note I sing, hearts are mended, and faith is restored to those around me. When I, believe me, I inadvertently permit others to do the same.


Today, I choose to be hopeful amid hopelessness because I know that the days ahead are brighter than those behind. With hope as my song, I waltz forth into the future with grace.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What is my life’s soundtrack?
  2. How is my life be affected when I refrain from listening to negative news?
  3. What am I hopeful about today?


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