Affirmation: I acknowledge that I cannot control others. I can only control myself.

affirmations Jan 02, 2021

I let go of the tendency to control other people's thoughts, opinions, or actions. I focus on self-improvement. There is only one person I have control over - me!


I like it if people think well of me. But I release worry about what they might think. It is a waste of my time and energy and causes me unnecessary anxiety. I do my best, and I know that is all I can do. I understand this. Moreover, I am fine with it.


I abide by the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you). I stay true to myself. I am sure most people think well of me. I refuse to let it distract me if they do not.


I like understanding I am in control of my actions, behaviors, and thoughts. It takes the burden off my shoulders to know that the only person I need to control is me. What an uplifting revelation!


I have gratitude bringing me joy.


I have a zeal for life that enables me to enjoy every minute of every day by simply living in those moments.


I have affirmations to change negative thoughts and attitudes to positive ones I deserve. This allows me all the self-improvement I could ever desire.


Armed with my tools and insight into shaping my world, I go forth confident for success. Today, I decide to live every moment true to myself, not worrying about others' thoughts.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I agonize about what people think of me?
  2. What have my results been like when I've tried to control someone else?
  3. What tools do I have that enable me to shape my surroundings?


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