Affirmation: I Allow Myself to Say "No"

affirmations Oct 24, 2020

I can say "No" to requests I do not feel comfortable with doing. Occasionally, people expect too much from others. I love to help people. However, I know I cannot say "Yes" to every person all the time. It is acceptable and healthy to say "No" sometimes.


Even if I said "No," I still care for those people to whom I said it. "No" is not a sign of my sentiments for the person who made the request. Saying "No" is about preserving my happiness, joy, and peace instead of giving them away to please others.


Folks still love me when I say "No" to them. They know why I sometimes have to decline their request. I am able to take good care of the folks I love without agreeing to everything they ask of me. I understand that it is okay to say "No."


Saying "No" can be healthy. By saying "No," I safeguard my happiness and peace of mind. I say "Yes" when I can, "No" when I cannot, and that is perfectly fine with me. Others welcome my honesty.


I still feel good about myself when I say "No" to requests. Declining a few requests affords me the time to follow through on the ones I accept. I say "No" to maintain my life in balance, and it works very well. Saying "No" keeps me healthy and happy.


Today, I allow myself to say "No" to requests I cannot accommodate.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How do I say "No" without hurting someone's feelings?
  2. How do I say "No" and still feel good about myself?
  3. What is the best way for me to say "No" without producing problems for others?



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