Affirmation: I Am Free to Govern Over My Passions

affirmations Aug 15, 2020

I remain thankful for the blessing I have to be free. With freedom comes the great task of managing my independence sensibly. I want to rule over my passions rather than becoming a victim of desire.


Part of living free means that I am held responsible for what I do with my passions. Emotions are an important part of me, although I also have to learn to govern my feelings to achieve inner peace.


I break free from emotional bondage because I have power over my feelings. My feelings do not rule over my mind, as my mind is more powerful.


There are seasons of my life when only my mind knows the way. I let my mind lead me as I follow with behaviors in an act of faith. In time, grace lines up my feelings and ideas.


I lack desire to continue because I let disillusionment or disappointment deprive me of joy. During those critical times, I recall that the great purpose for which I am destined stays unaffected by my situations.


Other times I am so thrilled with life, I find it difficult to think straight. Entertaining as this may be, I still try to keep my head straight and weigh all options with a clear head.


Today, I free myself to govern my emotions with courage and skill. I let myself feel with my heart without disconnecting my mind from the process.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my definition of freedom?
  2. Why is it essential to let my mind rule over my thoughts?
  3. Have I ever been deceived by my emotions in the past?

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