Affirmation: I am Made Stronger Out of Adversity

affirmations May 02, 2020

I know life is hard. I acknowledge that as part of the natural order of things. If I did not have hard times, I could not be grateful for the complete joy of good times.


I am reminded of the famous declaration, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" Even if I feel I cannot bear any more, I persevere. I come out of the situation, seeing that I am stronger than before.


As my body is strengthened through exercise, my character is strengthened through adversities. Challenges apply pressure on me and make me feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. But each adversity I overcome makes it less complicated for me to kick off the weight of the next one.


Overcoming adversities brings me the confidence to face new challenges as well. If I did it once, twice, or many times, I know I can do it again!


Because of experience, I also know with certainty that "this, too, shall pass." It gives me the strength to continue no matter what the circumstances.


Living through adversity offers me a new appreciation of life. I am grateful for good times and find joy in even the most minor moments.


Today, I plan to persevere through any hardship that may befall me, knowing that I will emerge from the other side of the situation stronger than before.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How has one of my recent hardships made me stronger?
  2. Did it allow me to appreciate the good things in my life more fully?
  3. Now that I've been through it, do I feel more confident about future hardships?


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