Affirmation: I Am Quick to Forget Offenses

affirmations Mar 07, 2020

When someone hurts me, I promptly forget it and move on. I am worthy of a life free from hatred and resentment. My life abounds in grace and mercy.


When I make a mistake, I love forgiveness. The sensation of receiving a second chance is sweeter than honey. I treat people in ways that I would want to be treated; so, I provide those who hurt me with a second chance.


Persistent offenses cloud my vision like a winter haze. If I let go of the past, the light of forgiveness disperses the fog and clears my point of view. As an alternative to putting people under a critical microscope, I can relish the friendship.


I prefer to see the best in the people around me and believe it is good within them. Regardless of what a person previously did to me, I free my mind to them with no objections.


If I have anxiety moving past an offense and handling the individual with grace, I shift my point of view. I strive to see them the way their loved ones see them and the way they see themselves so that I can understand and appreciate them.


I pray for people who hurt me. It is tough to stay mad at someone for whom I pray. Praying is an unselfish act. Prayer stirs good feelings inside and causes me to be concerned for others.


Today, I decide to guard the garden of my heart with a watchful eye. I prevent new offenses from taking root and growing like weeds. Overlooking offenses keeps my garden looking beautiful!


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How can I live a life free from hatred?
  2. Who do I need to forgive?
  3. What is the best way to learn to love someone?


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