Affirmation: I Can Say “No” and Forgive Myself for Trying to Do It All

affirmations Mar 14, 2020

Saying “No” to others is easier as I take better command of my life. I no longer am lost in the confusion of struggling to carry out every task for everybody. I free myself from attempting to please people as I learn to say “No”.


The power of “No” frees me!


When my schedule is full, and someone asks me to do something I cannot do, I say “No”. I prevent the stress of trying to do too much by utilizing a planner and scheduling tasks.


When someone requests my help with something I do not yet understand how to accomplish, I make clear that a person with the right skill set for this task could help them better than I. This prevents me from aiming to do the impossible and being unsuccessful in my promise.


When I am called upon to miss my time with my family to help out someone else, I can respectfully refuse, knowing that my family is my main concern. Saying “No” to others offers me the time I need with my family.


Saying “No” allows much-needed time for me. Meditating on God’s word, reflecting on my day, and doing the things that I enjoy, revitalizes me and brings me the strength to do my best in all parts of my life.


Saying “No” as needed empowers me to meet my other commitments successfully. So, people know I am dependable. When I commit to a task for someone, they will know with certainty that I will follow through.


Now, I have decided to be careful with my commitments and only agree to those that I am sure I can accomplish.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I have trouble saying no?
  2. How will I meet commitments currently on my schedule?
  3. Can I consistently reduce my obligations to allow time for my priorities?


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