Affirmation: I ensure I have the tools I need to complete a project

affirmations Apr 30, 2022

To achieve my highest possible level of productivity, I make sure I have the tools I need to complete a project.


I take time before I begin to analyze what I need and do what it takes to procure them, so nothing gets in the way of my forward momentum once I get started.


Some tools are apparent. If I'm building a house, I will need wood, nails, and so on. If I'm writing a novel, I will need a reliable computer (or a hefty stack of notebooks). If I'm opening a catering service, I will need pots and pans.


I also need skills. The best computer in the world can't write a novel by itself. The most expensive pots and pans will do nothing on their own. And a stack of wood without a builder is still just a stack of wood.


I invest in honing my skills so I can use my supplies to their full potential.


I grant myself the support and mentorship that I need to be successful, and I let go of the idea that I should be able to do everything on my own. I need help from time to time, and I am grounded enough to ask for it when needed.


I know that I can achieve what I set out to do with the right supplies, skills, and support.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I take the time to figure out what I'm going to need before I start a project?
  2. Do I invest in skills as well as supplies?
  3. Have Imade an effort to find the support I need to make my goals a reality?


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