Affirmation: I focus on achieving the life I desire

affirmations Jan 29, 2022

 If I keep my life goals in mind each day, I am more focused on reaching them to build the life I want to live. I decide how my actions relate to a bigger goal.


I choose to spend my valuable time working towards what I want to do in life. I regularly revisit my goals to ensure that I am on the correct path. My plans at times change. I reflect and try to look forward to my dreams for the future.


On the first day of every month, I review my life goals. This makes them seem more natural, enabling me to keep my eyes on the prize. Obtaining everything I would like in life centers on my ability to remain motivated.


If I know my goals and keep them at the forefront of my mind, my days will be more fulfilling.


I can let go of minor issues. When something I am spending a lot of time on conflicts with my overall goals, I reevaluate whether I should continue focusing on it.


Today, I process everything I want to accomplish in life. When my goals are clear-cut, I am more likely to continue working to achieve them. I feel empowered because I see what I want to accomplish.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What are my top three life goals?
  2. How often do I reflect on what I wish to attain in my life?
  3. What actions can I do to ensure my life goals are in my thoughts each day?

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