Affirmation : I Gratefully Rejuvenate my Body, Mind, and Soul

affirmations Oct 30, 2021

Living a full life involves a committed soul, an energized body, thoughtful words, and plans. As I want to enjoy my life and bring happiness to others, I ask that my body, mind, and soul be fully present in my life.


Every day, I revitalize myself because I perform best when I replenish my body, mind, and soul.


I rejuvenate my body by both exercise and rest. Moving and relaxing are critical aspects of energizing my physical being.


Not only do I get a whole night's sleep, but I also seek out methods to strengthen my body with robust daily activities.


I gratefully fill my mind by looking for activities to refuel my brain. I develop stimulating conversations with friends and push myself to accomplish different tasks, read books and solve puzzles. I take the time to stir up creative ideas.


Caring for my soul is another way I rejuvenate my life. I use prayer and self-reflection to be sure I stay true to my passions, purpose, and relationships. Sustaining my soul is an invaluable part of my daily routine.


I am grateful for the gifts of my body, mind, and soul, so I do my best to replenish them. Making the time to care for me is vital. Loving and nurturing my body, mind, and soul bring me happiness, health, and fulfillment.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Have I both exercised and rested my body today?
  2. What have I done today to replenish my mind?
  3. Can I find more active ways to nourish my soul?


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