Affirmation: I keep myself physically fit during the Thanksgiving season

affirmations Nov 23, 2019

Staying physically fit matters to me. I make time for fitness even when my life is very busy. The Thanksgiving holiday is a busy time, but I still have plenty of hours in the day.


I get things done because they are important to my life. The things I do each day have value and meaning to me. Staying fit is one of those things that I value highly.


To stay fit, I make time for exercise. I avoid changing my routine during the holidays. I can enjoy the holiday season and still keep my workout routine. In doing so, I ensure my continued fitness and good health. I make sensible choices during the holidays. I stop and take time for myself when things start to get hectic.


Because I see the value of exercise, I make it a part of my schedule. I encourage others because I want them to succeed in their fitness goals.


By working with others to help them meet their fitness goals, I feel fulfilled. Seeing me fit and healthy makes others want to work toward their own fitness goals. I enjoy helping other people. And I am thankful I have the opportunity to do so.


Remaining fit during the holidays is a challenge I embrace. I get a sense of triumph when I meet a roadblock head-on. I maximize my fitness level by listening to my body and exercising, even during the holidays.


Today, I work to stay fit and healthy despite the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I am thankful for my health.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How can I make time for physical health during busy times?
  2. What can I do to avoid getting bogged down during the holidays?
  3. Are there ways I can get my family involved in staying fit over the holidays?


I just want to take a second and say thank you, and I hope each of you feels loved, has an abundance of joy, and bountiful health this holiday season! I am thankful to each of you for being here! I want each of you to know that. 

This has been one unimaginable year, and I still have more mountains to climb, but I look forward to 2020 with so much hope!  For any of you who feel like you are in a valley this holiday season, know you are not alone––sometimes that is all we need to hear.

This year I have been cracked wide open, and I know it was for a purpose. I needed this year to restructure my heart, my life, my purpose––and maybe to realize it is not even about my purpose, but perhaps His purpose for me. 

I just wanted to take a second and say YOU have a purpose too, and I am grateful you are here!

I want to thank you for being a part of Life Coach for Ladies. I pray that you are blessed this holiday season.



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