Affirmation: I persist until I achieve my goals

affirmations Feb 26, 2022

I know that persistence is the means of living my dreams. Quitting is the only way I can fail. I refuse to stop on any vital goal. I adjust my approach until I am successful.


Throughout the ages, persistence has allowed ordinary people to do extraordinary things. I know I can do amazing things, too.


Persistence is the ultimate determiner of success. I can overcome any limitation with enough effort and commitment. I can persevere.


I can easily list all of my goals by memory. Knowing my goals is the first step to persisting. When I know my goals, I know what matters. I review my goals daily. Keeping my goals fresh in my mind constantly renews my persistence.


The life I want to live is crystal clear in my mind. Any time I consider giving up, I return to that image. It revives my spirit and motivates me to continue.


The image I hold in my mind is my destiny. I refuse to permit anything to stand in my way. I can overcome any obstacle through my sheer will.


Today, I stay focused and determined. My commitment is at its highest level. I am committed to being an example of persistence. I persist until reaching my goals.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. When have I given up too soon? What would have happened had I not quit?
  2. What are my biggest challenges right now? How am I demonstrating persistence to overcome these obstacles?
  3. When I quit, why do I quit? What is my thought process for making that determination?

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