Affirmation: I Release any Anger Through my Soul

affirmations Nov 14, 2020

I consider decisions with a calm manner and a serene attitude. I live in a positive mindset that presumes success. Even when I feel frustrated, I manage each situation with grace and composure.


Those I love feel a refreshing peace in the storms of life as I respond calmly and efficiently to them.


I have power over anger. I quickly overcome feelings of ire and replace them with moderation. I focus on solutions rather than challenges.


I discover more and more about who I am and about my capabilities daily. Instead of feeling helpless and annoyed when things are less than optimal, I solicit help and build a support system to get the job accomplished.


I deal with negative feelings quickly and decisively. I learn the lessons the negative feelings bring, and I promptly discard them in favor of more positive thoughts.


Life is too beautiful to stay angry for very long. I cherish every moment of my life. I readily release anger from my soul and change it to inner peace.


My emotions are powerful tools that I use to influence my situations for the better. I am happy, yet I eagerly strive to achieve the goals I set for myself. I recognize challenges as opportunities to grow and learn.


I want to live in a spirit of power and joy instead of frustration.


Today, I choose to think positively and constructively about all situations. My mindset is free of inhibitions and anger. I am living freely and blissfully.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How can I think more productively during stressful situations?
  2. How will I prompt myself to remain calm and focus on a solution instead of the problem?
  3. What are good ways to relax when I feel stressed or angry?


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